Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dubya Dallies, Liberal Democrat Rescues Ramos and Compean
By John W. Lillpop
It is tragic enough that George W. Bush has refused to act on behalf on former border patrol agents Ramos and Compean while moving at the speed of light to keep Scooter Libby out of jail.
Now insult has been added to injury by a liberal Democrat senator from California who has taken the lead on an issue that should have been addressed by the Republican president six months ago!
That liberal is Senator Diane Feinstein who, unlike our clueless president, has shown that common sense and dignity are not entirely dead in Washington D.C.
After a hearing on Ramos and Compean on July 17, Senator Feinstein asked Bush to pardon the two defenders of America.
God bless you, Senator Feinstein!
Two big questions remain for our retarded president:
Does Bush really want the borders to be secure in order to keep invaders out?
Does Bush give a damn about the fact that two former border patrol agents have had their lives ruined because they acted to defend America from invasion?
Why doesn't this foolish man just resign and spare the nation eighteen more months of grief and leadership failure?
John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Would America Be Better off Under Sharia Law?
By John W. Lillpop
In yet another instance of egregious Muslim misbehavior, several thousand devotees of the "Religion of Peace" gathered in London and declared that Islam will soon have sovereignty over both the United Kingdom and the United States.
In prophesying such an eventuality, one of the Muslim leaders, Anjem Choudary, envisions an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran in America. "Democracy, hypocrisy," Choudary chanted as the crowd echoed him. "Tony Blair, terrorist! Tony Blair, murderer! Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!"
New video messages from Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, when added to Choudary's ranting and ravings, leave the distinct impression that Islamofascists are serious about taking over the world and about installing Islam as the only authorized law and religion.
Before jumping to conclusions, perhaps one should seek to answer the question: Would America be better off under Sharia law?
Let us first consider America as currently constituted.
America is without question the grandest and most inspiring success story in human history. Freedoms, liberties, and opportunities unimaginable in most other cultures flourish here, and are vital to what it means to be an American.
Just what makes America so great and this land and its people so special?
Credit our founding fathers with establishing a framework of moral and social values that have endured for more than 220 years. Those values have resulted in unprecedented opportunities and prosperity for hundreds of millions of people.
Boundless opportunity and freedom are uniquely American and are correctly celebrated as the "American Dream."
Which is not to say that our nation has been perfect or without grave shortcomings over the course of 220 years.
To begin with, it took nearly 90 years before the bane of slavery unsettled the moral consciousness of enough Americans to eradicate that barbaric practice from these United States.
Once slavery was identified as immoral and contradictory to the American spirit as found in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, a bitter civil war was waged in order to remove that hideous blemish from the innocent young face of the fair maiden known to the world as America.
Without question, it took far too long but Americans eventually rose to the moral occasion and did the right thing. After all, our founding fathers had been rather emphatic about "all men being created equal," the antithesis of which would be involuntary servitude and slavery.
The point is that enormous social, political, economic, and legal change was brought about because of the moral infrastructure handed down by our founders. Slavery was wrong, Americans recognized that fact, and corrected the problem.
Other major injustices have violated our system of values over the course of U.S. history. Among the more egregious are discrimination against women and minorities in employment, housing, and education, internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and Jim Crow laws in Southern and border states between 1876 and 1965.
Jim Crow laws were particularly grievous because these laws required that public schools, public places and public transportation, like trains and buses, have separate facilities for whites and blacks. "Separate but equal" was the delusional litany of those who favored segregation based on race.
But once again, the American spirit of fairness and true equality ultimately prevailed. With the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Jim Crow laws joined slavery in the dustbin of regrettable and sad moments in American history.
And yet another ugly blemish was removed the face of the beautiful maiden who is now universally recognized as the best and brightest hope for all of human kind.
Moreover, America has dealt the same way with discrimination, racism, child labor abuse, corporate irresponsibility, unlawful confinement of American citizens, and other travesties. All have been have been, or are in the process of being, eradicated from the American experience.
By contrast, the basic tenets of the Muslim faith as set forth in the Quran specifically require adherents to practice discrimination, abuse, murder, and inhumane punishments. The faith provides zero tolerance for non-believers.
Specifically, Sharia law would result in the following changes in American life and deviations from the moral and constitutional framework upon which this marvelous nation was founded:
There would be no religious freedom. Islam would be the only religion permitted and "infidels" would be subject to severe punishment, including death.
Muslim leaders would command offensive, aggressive, and unjust Jihads
Unmarried fornicators would be whipped and adulterers stoned to death
Husbands would be allowed to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear aggressiveness from their wives
Homosexuals would be executed
Muslim critics of Muhammad, the Quran, and even Sharia would be put to death
Highway robbers would be crucified or mutilated
An injured plaintiff would be allowed to exact legal revenge—physical eye for physical eye
Thieves (male or female) would have a hand cut off
Drinkers and gamblers would be whipped
Adoption of Sharia law would take America back several centuries and wipe out all progress in the areas of human right, equality, and tolerance.
In short, there is no moral underpinning to Islam.
Sharia law: America and the world can live most effectively without it!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Cardinal Mahony: Hiding Behind the Cross to Serve Beelzebub
By John W. Lillpop
Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles, is "blessed" with an uncanny ability to triangulate moral decadence, spiritual fraud, and craven greed into anti-American political activism.
Even more distressing is the cardinal's gall in anointing himself as a moral and spiritual beacon, while working non-stop to protect pedophiles and perverts who serve at the will and pleasure of Beelzebub.
Hypocrisy is seldom as blatant as is the case with this meddling old man who touts himself as spiritually and morally superior, yet who has nothing but affection for 12-30 million criminals who have invaded America and who are squatting here illegally.
Being the out of touch elitist that he is, Mahony has little time or regard for those who believe in homeland security, fortified borders, rule of law, and preservation of American sovereignty, language, and culture.
Given his druthers, Mahony would legalize each and every one of the criminal invaders, and would place all of them on a fast track path to citizenship as well.
And what is the root cause behind Cardinal Mahony's blatant disregard for America, and Americans, and benevolent deference to invading criminals from the third world?
Spiritual concern for the poor and downtrodden? Compassion for new comers simply looking for a better life? Healing and unity through forgiveness and assimilation?
Actually, his hollowness and the church he represents are motivated by an unholy obsession with green--as in cold, hard cash.
That obsession intensified dramatically with the recent disclosure that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has agreed to pay the tidy sum of $660 million dollars in order to settle sex abuse law suits filed by victims/parishioners.
Turns out that hundreds of innocent people were allegedly abused by priests whose crimes were then covered up by powerful church officials.
Which means that Cardinal Mahony and his minions will have to write a check for nearly two thirds of a billion dollars to drive away the scandals wrought by corrupt "Fathers," acting in the name of God, and their gutless and immoral leaders.
The total amount paid out by the U.S. church since 1950 is more than $2 billion, with about a quarter of that coming from the Los Angeles archdiocese.
With increasing regularity, intelligent American parishioners are leaving the church to escape the clutches of pedophiles and perverts who prey on the young and defenseless under the guise of being "men of the cloth."
As the number of American parishioners decline, illegal aliens are desperately needed to replace those departing parishioners, and to bolster the church's dwindling cash flow.
The bottom line: Cardinal Mahony's bleeding heart foolishness in support of illegal aliens is much more about cash debits and credits, than right and wrong.
But given the contemptible record of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles when it comes to morality and decency, Cardinal Mahony would be well advised to just shut up!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Why Is It Impossible To Deport Illegal Aliens, Mr. President?
By John W. Lillpop
President George W. Bush has undertaken the onerous task of converting Muslim dictatorships and theocracies in the Middle East into enlightened democracies.
The president apparently believes that America can, and should, determine the form of government that more than a billion Muslims live under.
But while our commander-in-chief is downright eager to impose American ideology on Muslims in nations thousands of miles removed from our shores, he is downright squeamish when it comes to defending America's own borders and enforcing our immigration laws.
Most distressing is Bush's assertion that deportation of millions of illegal aliens is “impossible.”
How in the world can it be “impossible” for the most powerful and technologically advanced nation in the world to remove criminals who have invaded our nation at time of war?
Surely the greatest hope for the civilized world in the global “war on terror” is not helpless when it comes to criminals inside its own borders? Some of who are most likely terrorists?
If America is really that impotent, Osama bin Laden and other Islamofascists will see that as great news, and a source of inspiration for continuing their Jihad on the civilized world.
Moreover, if America is unable, or unwilling, to control who enters and who stays here, victory for terrorism and world domination by Islamic extremists are all but assured.
Is that really the message you wish to convey to the world, Mr. President?
The great-unanswered question in all of this is:
Why does President Bush always act on behalf of illegal aliens, rather than America?
Why does he arrogantly and foolishly deny the truth?
Namely, illegal aliens:
* Feed at the public trough for health care, education, food, housing and other vital services to which they were not entitled.
* Overwhelm American hospitals, medical clinics, and emergency rooms and refuse to pay for medical services received.
* Force medical facilities into bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of vital medical services for American citizens.
* Manage to send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico while dumping their medical bills on the backs on U.S. taxpayers..
* Refuse to learn English, and demand that America provide services in Spanish at considerable cost to American citizens.
* Impede the education of American children because of language and cultural issues.
* Demand driver’s licenses despite being in America illegally, and demand that driver instruction and testing materials be in Spanish.
* Demand reduced tuition rates offered to American students here legally.
* Vote in U.S. elections and alter election results.
* Overwhelm America's penal system, making it impossible to deal effectively with the citizen inmate population.
* Engage in wholesale forgery of vital public documents and commit identity theft in order to secure employment, education, credit, and access to public services.
* Take to the streets to protest pending legislation that would tighten border security and enforce the nation’s immigration laws
* Wave the Mexican flag and scream “Yes, we can!” and “We are America" in Spanish as they march to protest the rule of law in America
* Cry “racism” every time they are criticized for being in America illegally or challenged to learn English and assimilate into American society.
In other words, this corrupt bunch of third-world banditos is under the misguided notion that America has no sovereign rights or borders, and that our great nation should be open to every Mexican peasant that decides unilaterally to squat in America.
And the government of Mexico has violated the sovereignty and borders of America by encouraging millions of illiterate peasants to invade America.
Again, the unanswered question: Why does U.S. President George W. Bush consistently side with Mexico and illegal aliens, instead of fighting on behalf of Americans?
John Lillpop is a recovering liberal
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Does George W. Bush Even Remember 9/11?
By John W. Lillpop
Seems a rather rude question, I admit. But think about it.
In the name of full disclosure, I confess to voting for George W. Bush in 2000.
To my discredit, I was unaware of his pro-illegal immigration position. I bought the ‘conservative’ label and just assumed that, if elected, President Bush would be reasonable on immigration.
If nothing else, I expected a Republican President from the deep south to enforce existing laws.
Wrong on both counts, as it turns out. Bush is neither reasonable on immigration nor has he even intended to enforce existing laws.
My mistake in voting for Bush was, or should have been, rendered moot by the events of 9/11. Indeed, who would imagine that our very own borders would remain unprotected nearly six full years after that awful day?
Who would imagine that America would send 150,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, but leave our own borders open to anyone wishing to invade America, for whatever purpose? Including those dedicated to killing millions, of innocent Americans?
Who would imagine that the precious lives of more than 3,600 innocent Americans would be lost 8,000 miles from home--sacrifices that will be in vain if a terrorist(s) gains access to America via our unsecured border with Mexico?
Who would imagine that our commander-in-chief would spend $500 billion of taxpayer treasure to fight wars in the Middle East, while refusing to fill border patrol positions authorized by congress?
The deliberate and protracted neglect of border security and immigration enforcement leads one to an inescapable conclusion:
George W. Bush no longer even remembers the events of 9/11!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Time for Conservatives to "Cut and Run" from Bush
By John W. Lillpop
According to a new poll sure to put a damper on birthday festivities at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, nearly half of the American people want impeachment proceedings to begin against President Bush.
With the Bush approval numbers hovering around 29 percent, the stage is being set for an unprecedented, and most forgettable, moment in American history: That is,the impeachment of consecutive presidents.
Clearly this was not the birthday present GW Bush was expecting in honor of his sixty-first.
And if that news were not distressing enough, Bush suffered another major Republican defection from his Iraq war policy when Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico called for an immediate change in U.S. strategy that could end combat operations by spring 2008.
Domenici joins Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio and Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana as recent GOP converts who have abandoned Bush on his signature issue.
With the 2008 elections just over one year away, Bush is likely to find himself more and more isolated on the Iraq war, immigration, and other crucial issues that GOP candidates running for office will have to explain in order to gain voter support.
To the chagrin of those who have supported Bush through thick and thin for six plus years, the president seems oblivious to the fate of his fellow Republicans and the party in general.
More distressing still, the president seems more concerned with his personal legacy than with the future of America, the nation's sovereignty, and preservation of American culture and language.
As the days of summer pass, look for more and more Republicans to desert GW Bush in much the same way he has deserted conservatives time and time again.
As autumn leaves start to fall, one can only hope that a few gutsy and patriotic GOP leaders will stage a "conservative revolution" by working to dump Mel Martinez as RNC Chairman, and by making official their disengagement from GW Bush, worst president in American history.
Unless such a revolution is forthcoming, and soon, the Republican party is doomed to join GW Bush in the dustbin of history as a complete failure.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Scooter Libby Could Have Gotten a Much Better Deal!
Satire By John W. Lillpop
Within hours after a federal appeals court refused to allow Scooter to remain free pending the appeal of his perjury conviction, President Bush rushed forward to commute the jail sentence of the former aid to Vice President Cheney.
Although Bush kept Scooter from spending the 4th of July in the slammer, the president let stand Libby's felony conviction, the $250,000 fine, and a two-year probation period.
Most distressing, of course, is the felony conviction.
That means that, in order to vote, Scooter will have to register as a Democrat, America's "big tent" party for the deceased, those here illegally, and felons.
Howard Dean calls it "inclusive politics," however; federal and state authorities classify it as voter fraud.
Raising $250,000 should be relatively easy.
All Libby needs to do is contact a liberal publisher (aren't they ALL?) and mention that he would like to write an expose about Dick Cheney from an "insider's" perspective.
You know, reveal dirty little secrets about Cheney's wonky heart (he doesn't actually have one!). The truth about shooting that lawyer in Texas (it was NOT an accident!).
How W wanted Cheney's daughter Mary to abort her pregnancy until the president learned that the father was an illegal alien from Mexico who needed an "anchor baby" to avoid deportation!
On and on. Make the manuscript crude enough, Scooter, and you could be on the New York Times Best Seller List before summer's end.
Even better still: Announce that you are going to include a chapter or so about the personal life of W, and you might see a full blown pardon coming your way before you get around to firing up your word processor!
In reality, Scooter Libby could have avoided prison and made a small fortune if he had played his cards differently.
Next time, Scooter, follow this strategery.
To begin with, right after your conviction, change your name to Jose` Libbernandez and assume a Spanish accent. A fake ID, including Social Security number and drivers license, can be purchased directly from Ted Kennedy out of his office on Capitol Hill.
Next, scurry down to Mexico and secure a respectable amount of marijuana, cocaine, and heroine, and steal across the border into the U.S. at a location where you are most likely to be spotted by Border Patrol agents.
When spotted by Border Patrol, make a U-turn and started running back towards Mexico.
At that point, because they are racist pigs, the Border Patrol will chase you and most probably shoot you in the butt.
Do not panic: Your ship has finally come in!
After the Border Patrol has arrested you, Jose` Libbernandez, you will be allowed one call.
Use this call wisely by contacting the nearest ACLU office, and tell them you are an illegal alien who has been shot in the ass by the Border Patrol on the American side of the border.
Be sure to mention that you were shot while smuggling drugs into the U.S.
Within 10 minutes or so, an ACLU lawyer will arrive at your cell to greet and comfort you. He or she will immediately begin working on your behalf, and will text message Attorney General Gonzalez to inform him of your plight.
Before you are actually booked, the Gonzalez goons, in concert with the ACLU, will have bailed you out of jail and arrested all of the offending Border Patrol agents to take your place.
You will then be granted immunity from any and all crimes in exchange for your testimony against the criminals, those punks who until two hours ago were Border Patrol agents.
Early next morning, your ACLU lawyer will visit you in your executive suite at the finest hotel in town (paid for by the DOJ) and get you to sign documents needed to sue the former Border Patrol agents, the U.S. government, and all conservative radio talk show hosts and columnists.
Provided the ACLU can find the right leftist judge and a rigged jury, you could be rewarded for your troubles with a five million-dollar judgment!
That is nearly what you would have hauled in by selling all those drugs, Scooter!
What's that, Scooter? You are worried that you might be turned over to American authorities and prosecuted?
Forget it!
Remember, you are Jose` Libbernandez, a good hearted, hard working peasant who just came here to do work that Americans will not do! You are now part of a protected class, a man to who rule of law does not apply.
Welcome home!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Speaker Pelosi's Six-Month Victory Lap!
Satire by John W Lillpop
Don't you just love Nancy Pelosi? For a feminist, she sure has robust cajones!
There she was last Friday afternoon, front and center, wearing a grin wide enough to convince naive liberals that she was delighted to be standing before them in order to be held accountable for her performance as Speaker of the House.
Flashing the V sign all around, as if she had just captured Osama bin Laden, disabled all 1,000 of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's uranium centrifuges, pulled the plug on North Korea's nuclear program, and ended the war in Iraq with a victory for America, all by her lonesome.
And, she would add, despite the presence of an "incompetent" George W. Bush and obstructionist Republicans in both chambers.
Pelosi started her C-Span Performance Review by commenting how "coincidental" it was that the six-month anniversary of the Democratic takeover of congress, which started January 5, comes so close to July 4th.
When in hell was she expecting the six-month anniversary of January 5 to fall? Early October? Spring 2008, perhaps?
Someone PLEASE explain how calendars work to this very troubled sixty-six year old grandma with a dangerous addiction to botox!
After congratulating Democrats for all of their wonderful achievements, which she did not bother to detail, Speaker Pelosi admitted that some issues did not go exactly as she would have preferred.
Like the amnesty bill in the senate, for example. Never one to be deterred by reason or fact, Pelosi blamed the failure of that dilly on those Senate Republicans and that 60-vote thing!
She was referring to cloture, of course.
And of course there are not sixty Republicans in the U.S. Senate. If there were, Harry Reid would back in Utah running real estate scams and accepting bribes from promoters with legislation pending before the most deliberative body in the world, instead of working 24/7 to move the Mexican border somewhere north of Minneapolis, Minnesota!
Still, most people who can stomach more than 20 seconds of Pelosi are die hard liberals who could not care less about the truth.
To most liberals, blaming George W. Bush and Republicans is in their DNA, and is an automatic, reflexive action.
Indeed, blaming George W. Bush for everything has a soothing and therapeutic effect on unsteady liberal minds.
Caution: Look for all heck to break loose on January 20, 2009 when W officially leaves office and throws the entire Democrat party into a massive depression akin to the "Empty Nest" syndrome that parents face when the last child marches off to university.
Prozac and Vodka cocktails will reign supreme in the homes and offices of liberals so very desperate for mental relief.
When asked about the 14 percent approval rating that Congress is currently saddled with, Pelosi did not bat an eye. Instead, she glanced over at Harry Reid and snidely remarked, "I'm not happy with Congress, either."
Touché, Harry!
Were it not for the senate, Pelosi seemed to infer, Congress would be way up there in approval ratings--perhaps even as high as 23 percent, which is where President Bush is quacking these days.
Pelosi concluded the event by reminding her audience that the Democrats had promised America a "new direction," and that they had made considerable progress toward meeting that objective.
Will the person who is going to explain calendars to Pelosi also remind her that most Americans expected the "new direction" to be forward--rather than stuck in reverse, as is now the case under Democrat leadership!
Democracy and Freedom: Blessings from Angry, White, Christian Males!
By John W. Lillpop
Although liberal politicians, aided and abetted by a dysfunctional and non-objective mainstream media, rarely miss an opportunity to tear down white Christian males, the truth is that that demographic has done more to benefit humanity than any other group in human history.
After all, it was a courageous band of angry white Christian men who offered all of humanity a glimmer of hope for freedom when, on July 4, 1776, the following Declaration poured forth from the hearts of those angry white Christian males:
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Complete Text:
Despite a complete lack of diversity, our Founding Fathers created a formula for self-governance and freedom that has endured for 232 years and made America the envy of the entire world.
They did so with no women, no Hispanics and other people of color, no gays or lesbians, and no atheists and non-Christians in their midst.
Faith and courage, rather than state-mandated diversity and affirmative action, lead our founders to bless America with the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Our Founding Fathers needed but one language--English--to deliver their message to the world, a message of hope that still reverberates through the globe.
Those who persist with a mindless and never ending crusade to discredit our Founding Fathers need to replace the anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-male rhetoric with a measure of thankfulness.
Again,that demographic has produced and perfected the most successful and prosperous society in human history.
They genuinely deserve the respect and undying gratitude of all Americans-- be they white, brown, black, red, or yellow!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Liberals and the "American Dream"
Satire by John W. Lillpop
Most people understand that liberals are slow learners, probably because of birth defects that cause them to live in constant denial, self-delusion, and deceit.
But even wonky DNA and flawed genetics can not explain some of the wretched excesses that are consuming liberal candidates for the presidency these days.
Example: Just two days after the American people kicked the president and U.S. Senate in the teeth over a proposed amnesty scheme, all of the Democrat presidential candidates vowed to push through legislation that would defy the will of the people and legalize illegal aliens and gift them with a path to citizenship.
The following comment from Barack Obama is particularly revealing:
"As president, I will sign comprehensive immigration reform. I want my daughters to be raised in a community in which all people, and not just some, are considered part of the American dream."
By ALL, we assume that the senator from Illinois means 12-30 million criminal invaders, including rapists, murderers, bank robbers, terrorists, drug and human smugglers, drunk drivers, and all other felons likely to vote a straight Democrat ticket for the next 50 years!
Or, even worse, did Obama mean ALL six billion people on the planet?
But fret not, American patriots. Science is working full time on a cure for liberalism.
Ultrasound technology now used to determine the gender of an unborn fetus may soon be sophisticated enough to alert public health officials when a fetus is infested with the defect that causes liberalism.
Armed with such knowledge, medical science will then be able to administer vaccines, antibiotics, and other treatments to prevent newborn children from degenerating into full-blown liberals.
Until that happy day arrives, we must all remain diligent and do our damnedest to prevent liberals from being elected to any position of authority involving local, state, and federal governments, national security, money, education at all levels, infrastructure, law and order, terrorism, marriage, children, food, automobiles, Christmas, Easter, organized religion, television, the Internet, the U.S. military, foreign relations, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, illegal aliens, and the starting pitching for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
It would also help to keep known liberals confined to their own neighborhoods so as to prevent cross breeding with normal people.
Such cross breeding could, if uncontrolled, lead to a pandemic of affirmative action, gay rights, diversity workshops, abortions on demand, higher taxes, addiction to global warming, ungodly fairness doctrines, open borders, and other human calamities.
How Do You Say "Equal Time" In Spanish?
By John W. Lillpop
Liberal politicians keen on reinstating a "Fairness Doctrine" clearly have their sights set on Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and other right-wing luminaries.
But once liberals open that particular can of worms, they may be less than thrilled at what comes crawling out.
For instance, Mexican DJ and former illegal alien Eddie "Piolín" Sotelo, native of Mexico, broadcasts from a Spanish language radio station in Los Angeles and is a strong advocate for illegal aliens.
Not satisfied with merely invading America himself, Piolín apparently believes that any Hispanic/Latino/Mexican who unilaterally decides to come to America should be entitled to do so without regard to U.S. borders and immigration laws.
The fact that all other peoples of the world are required to wait their turn in line and jump through hoops in order to come here legally is irrelevant to Piolín.
His attitude, and that of La Raza, seems to be "Because of their ethnicity, Hispanics/Latinos/Mexicans are above the rule of law and borders!"
Activists looking to eradicate racism and bigotry should start with the likes of Piolín and La Raza, rather than disparaging patriotic Americans who demand that existing laws be enforced, even when it comes to "The Race."
Piolín's disdain for the rule of law even motivated him to travel from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., in order to deliver what were alleged to be one million letters from amnesty supporters. Unfortunately for the politically naive DJ, the letters were all signed by illegal aliens and were in Spanish.
Even more embarrassing for Piolín, many of the boxes containing the "one million letters" he boasted so proudly of turned out to be empty.
After S 1639 was defeated in the U.S. Senate on June 28, Piolín's distress was palpable, leading the DJ to shed alligator tears from behind his live microphone while on the air.
The impact of Piolín's on-air histrionics with his base audience (mostly illegal aliens) is unclear.
However, it is obvious that he did provide scores of millions of patriotic, English speaking American citizens with a round of belly laughs and material for party toasts that are still being enjoyed in more sophisticated circles.
But back to the issue: How would a liberal "Fairness Doctrine" impact Spanish language stations like the one on which Piolín spews his pro-illegal alien, anti-American propaganda and race baiting?
Would that radio station be forced to provide equal time to a commentator who would remind his audience that illegal aliens do not belong in America and should, by law, be deported?
Would the inflammatory rhetoric used by Piolín to drive illegal aliens to the streets in order to demand non-existent "rights" be offset by a voice(s) of reason that would encourage young Latinos to stay in school?
In other words, before acting hastily, liberals need to answer a crucial question: How do you say "equal time" in Spanish?
John W. Lillpop
San Jose Ca
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